Colorful Embroidered Mosaic Star of David Prayer Shawl Set - Yair Emanuel

Colorful Embroidered Mosaic Star of David Prayer Shawl Set - Yair Emanuel

Colorful Embroidered Mosaic Star of David Prayer Shawl Set - Yair Emanuel

$140.74 - $214.17
  • Prayer shawl is cream colored cotton fabric
  • Elegant embroidered with colored silk bands
  • On yoke and corners is a Mosaic Star of David
  • Embroidered in a colorful striking design

Product Description

A splendid colorful prayer shawl set combining the prayer experience with youthful joy. Colorful silk stripes are embroidered on the shawl. The corners and yoke display a lively mosaic design supporting a Star of David. On the yoke are also embroidered words from the tallit blessing.

Your Yair Emanuel prayer shawl tallit comes to you as a set - with a matching kippah and lined zippered bag. Kosher tzitzit are attached to the prayer shawl so it can be worn immediately.

Usual shipping time is 3-5 business days.


Woven raw cotton and silk
Two sizes:
20" x 75" or 42" x 75"

Special Features

Techelet-Blue Thread (extra 4 days on delivery)
Embroider a name on Kippah - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tallit - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tallit Bag - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both

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